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PT Arasains, established in 2011, is the leading distributor in food safety and food chemistry testing equipment and kits, as well as engineering products. PT Arasains has three main divisions: Biotechnology Division, Engineering Division and Service Division.


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Explore Our Brands

Biocontrol Merck

Biocontrol USA, now part of Merck, is the world's leading supplier of products for pathogen screening with the greatest number of platforms. The platforms used are ELISA technology using microtitre plates, enzyme technology using microwells, lateral flow technology, PCR method. These methods can be used for screening, identification and enumeration of normal flora or for pathogens.


R-Biopharm is a German leading developer of test solutions for food and feed analysis.  We offer analytical Test Kits for Food and Feed Quality Control (RIDASCREEN®  ELISA, IAC, Lateral Flow Devices, Real-Time PCR, Software & Automation for Testing of Mycotoxins, Residues (Antibiotics and Hormones), Allergens, Staphylococcus Enterotoxin, Vitamin Bs, GMO, Animal Speciation, Enzymatic (Sugars, Acids), Certified Reference Materials and Mycotoxin Standard Materials for Quality Assurance.  They also provide Proficiency Testing Schemes for International & National Standard Requirements.

Romer Labs

Romer Labs is a leading global supplier of diagnostic solutions for food safety. Romer Labs offers validated food pathogen detection solutions for E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria and Campylobacter in a user-friendly, rapid, accurate and cost-effective format.


Whirl-Pak® sterile laboratory sampling bags are ideal for surface, forensics, genetics, biomedical, and pharmaceutical research sampling and well suited for the food, dairy, water, sewage, medical, veterinary, environmental, soil, and industrial markets.  Whirl-Pak® bags have been the professionals’ trusted sampling bag for over 50 years and offer puncture-proof tabs, guaranteed sterility, easy identification, and a leak-proof closure you can trust.  Whirl-Pak® sterile sampling bags are R-Nase, D-Nase, Pyrogen and BPH free and comply with the following US Enviromental Protection Agency, US Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Agriculture dan Hazard Analysis and Crtitical Control Point.


Biolife is an international supplier of high-quality dehydrated media and chromogenic agar with a 55 year history. These high-quality products can be used to culture pure colonies or for identification. Raw materials for the micro lab like agar, peptone, biological extracts, carbohydrates and chemicals are available


They can’t see it. You can’t see it, but we are there.  PROMICOL is a Hidden Champion for 20 years. Keeping daily used products safe without the end user knowing it.  PROMICOL is a privately owned corporation that operates in the biotechnology industry. Established in 2000 with a vast amount of experience, PROMICOL is an expert in all aspects of ATP technology, providing systems that enable you to rapidly screen for microbial contamination. Our products are manufactured according to the highest laboratory production standards, ensuring products of consistent quality.

GVS Filter Technology

With over 40 years of experience, GVS Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of membranes and microfiltration devices, with applications in laboratory, medical and pharmaceutical markets, food & beverage and automotive. GVS Filter Technology offers a full line of laboratory filtration and analysis products, providing an incomparable experience for the customer in the analytical, chemistry and life science laboratories. GVS Group is a global supplier of membrane-based products for life science research such as filtration, protein and nucleic acid blotting and transfer.

Veolia - Sievers Eclipse

Sievers endotoxin analyzer is a brand of Veolia water technologies. It is the latest instrument for bacterial endotoxin in water using microfluidics to save precious horseshoe crab lysate. This equipment is ideal for pharma companies to comply for toxin contamination as required by many pharmacopeias. 

YSI Life Science

Yellow Spring Instrument Co (YSI) is well-known for its biochemistry analyzer that provides a result in about one-minute with little or no sample preparation. Results of glucose, sucrose, lactose, lactate, glutamate, ethanol and many more analytes compare well to approved lab methods, making the YSI 2900 ideal for process monitoring.

Waukesha Cherry-Burrell

Waukesha Cherry-Burrell is an SPX Flow’s brand focuses on the food, dairy, beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, personal care, and industrial processing sector. Waukesha Cherry-Burrell product types are Pumps (positive displacement pump and centrifugal pump), Heat Exchanger (Votator), Dispersion Equipment (Shear pump, Colloid Mills, CR Mixer), and Valves. Waukesha Cherry-Burrell product comply to The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), 3A Sanitary Standard, CE Certification and ISO 9001.

Lightnin Mixers & Plenty Mixers

Lightnin Mixers & Plenty Mixers is the SPX Flow’s brand has been recognized as the leader in Mixing Technology. Lightnin Mixers provides Top Entry Mixers, Side Entry Mixers, Magnetic Mixer and Inline Mixers. Plenty Mixers provides only for Side Entry Mixers.

UTG Mixing Group

Stelzer mixing solutions are designed to meet challenging hygiene requirements in accordance with international standards and used in industries such as food and pharmaceutical, and Jamix mixing solutions are designed and manufactured to meet customer requirements at wastewater treatment and biogas plants.  The Uutechnic top entry and side entry agitators are designed and manufactured to meet process requirements for heavy-duty applications for industries such as mining and pulp and paper.

Johnson Pump

Johnson Pumps (SPX Flow's brand) supplies a complete range of centrifugal pumps and positive displacement pumps. The range includes high flow axial pump, multi stage pumps, self priming pumps, CIP pumps, pumps for RO and gear pumps.


Indag from Germany supplies a complete range of high shear mixers for factories. These mixers can be used for emulsification like in soap making or for mixing pieces of fruits into a cake mix.The degree of shear can be adjusted for all applications.These dynamic mixers can be used for washing of biodiesel.


Statiflo is a manufacturer of static mixers from Manchester UK. These mixers can be used for any liquid/liquid mixing e.g. for the mixing of biodiesels. Static mixers are also available for gas/gas and gas/liquid mixing.


Vaisala is one of the most advanced process refractometers made in Finland. It measures refractive index, and this measurement can be correlated to density, total dissolved solids, percentage solids, Brix, Plato, Baume, or Oechsle. It is used in food and pharma, chemical, textile and other industries.


Advance and Modern technology for Non-Gravity Mixer/SHOVEL Mixer/ MicroWave Dryer/Smart Flash Dryer.


Evolving automation since 1951. Piab is evolving automation through progressive gripping, lifting and moving solutions. We believe in an automated world where no resources are wasted, and no humans are injured.


Explore Our Latest News

We always have up-to-date and exciting news to share with you

By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
AllPack Exhibition 2024 sukses berlangsung pada tanggal 9-12 Oktober 2024 sebagai pameran kedua kami tahun ini. Kami kembali menampilkan demo produk populer seperti Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, dengan tambahan unit terbaru seperti INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer dan WCB MDL (Lobe pump) yang compact dan ekonomis. Tahun ini, kami juga memperkenalkan beberapa produk baru yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan efisiensi proses industri, seperti Vaisala Online Refractometer untuk pengukuran konsentrasi/Brix secara real-time, dan MTT Separator sebagai solusi pemisahan. Selain itu, kami membawa Sentry Isolok auto sampler, yang memungkinkan sampling otomatis langsung di jalur proses, sehingga data QC lebih akurat dengan sampel yang representatif. Kami juga menawarkan produk untuk pemantauan kebersihan yang mencakup verifikasi cleaning dengan tekhnologi ATP bioluminescence menggunakan MVP ICON dan verifikasi allergen pada jalur produksi dengan menggunakan RIDAQUICK dan BIOAVID Allergen yang dapat memastikan proses cleaning sesui prosedur.  Nantikan solusi dan teknologi inovatif kami lainnya di event AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
The AllPack Exhibition 2024 took place from October 9-12, marking our second showcase this year. Building on last year’s success, we featured popular product demos like the Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, with exciting additions such as INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer and WCB MDL (lobe pump), which offers a compact range and economical pricing. This year, we also introduced cutting-edge products designed to boost process accuracy and efficiency. The Vaisala Online Refractometer provides real-time concentration/Brix measurements, and the MTT Separator offers effective separation solutions. Additionally, we showcased the Sentry Isolok auto sampler, which enables automated sampling directly from the process line for more representative QC data. We also offer hygiene monitoring product covering from cleaning verification with ATP bioluminescence using MVP ICON and allergen verification in your production line using RIDAQUICK and BIOAVID Allergen which can ensure your cleaning SOP.  Stay tuned for more of our innovative solutions and technologies at AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 1, 2024
PT Arasains telah berpartisipasi dalam event Indowater 2024, yang berlangsung di JIEXPO Kemayoran pada tanggal 18-20 September. Kami mendapatkan umpan balik yang positif dan banyak interaksi dengan pengunjung, termasuk kontraktor, Industri dari sektor utilitas, pengolahan air, pengolahan limbah, serta perwakilan dari pemerintah. Stand kami menampilkan solusi dalam proses transfer dan pencampuran, bersama dengan produk terbaru kami, auto preparation chemical. Kami mendapatkan respons yang baik oleh pengunjung terhadap teknologi yang kami tampilkan. Salah satu bagian penting dari acara ini adalah seminar bertajuk " Trouble Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions ", yang dipresentasikan oleh Jess Lim, selaku Senior Technical Manager dari Arachem Group. Seminar ini membahas teknologi terbaru dalam agitator, termasuk True Dry Well Construction Gearbox, yang menghilangkan potensi kebocoran oli. Jess juga menjelaskan keunggulan Static Mixer kami - Statiflo, yang menawarkan 95% homogenitas, desain elemen dengan pressure drop rendah, serta sistem Statiflo yang tidak memerlukan Listrik & penggerak mekanis sehingga dapat menghilangkan downtime. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pengunjung yang mengunjungi stan kami dan menghadiri seminar. Dukungan Anda sangat berarti bagi kami. Kami berharap untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam acara-acara mendatang dan melanjutkan upaya kami dalam menyediakan solusi yang bermanfaat bagi setiap industri.
By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
The AllPack Exhibition 2024 took place from October 9-12, marking our second showcase this year. Building on last year’s success, we featured popular product demos like the Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, with exciting additions such as INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer and WCB MDL (lobe pump), which offers a compact range and economical pricing. This year, we also introduced cutting-edge products designed to boost process accuracy and efficiency. The Vaisala Online Refractometer provides real-time concentration/Brix measurements, and the MTT Separator offers effective separation solutions. Additionally, we showcased the Sentry Isolok auto sampler, which enables automated sampling directly from the process line for more representative QC data. We also offer hygiene monitoring product covering from cleaning verification with ATP bioluminescence using MVP ICON and allergen verification in your production line using RIDAQUICK and BIOAVID Allergen which can ensure your cleaning SOP.  Stay tuned for more of our innovative solutions and technologies at AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 1, 2024
PT Arasains proudly participated in Indowater 2024, held at JIEXPO Kemayoran from September 18-20. We were thrilled to receive positive feedback and engage with numerous visitors, including contractors, utility sector professionals, water and waste treatment industries, and government representatives. Our booth showcased innovative solutions for transfer and mixing processes, along with our latest product, the Auto Preparation Chemical. The technology we presented was met with enthusiastic responses from attendees. A highlight of the event was the seminar titled “Trouble-Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions,” presented by Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager at Arachem Group. The seminar covered cutting-edge agitator technology, including the True Dry Well Construction Gearbox, which eliminates the risk of oil leaks. Jess also highlighted the benefits of our Static Mixer, Statiflo, which offers 95% homogeneity, a low-pressure drop element design, and a system that operates without electricity or mechanical drives, ensuring zero downtime. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all visitors who stopped by our booth and attended the seminar. Your support is invaluable to us. We look forward to participating in future events and continuing our mission to provide effective solutions for every industry.
By Aman Arasains September 27, 2024
Following the positive feedback last year, PT AraSains will once again participate in the AllPack 2024 event. We will demonstrate new and more exciting products compared to last year. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit our booth at JIEXPO Kemayoran, October 9-12, booth AL-001. We have a variety of innovative solutions for your industrial process needs. In addition, we also have interesting souvenirs for you.
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