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By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
AllPack Exhibition 2024 sukses berlangsung pada tanggal 9-12 Oktober 2024 sebagai pameran kedua kami tahun ini. Kami kembali menampilkan demo produk populer seperti Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, dengan tambahan unit terbaru seperti INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer dan WCB MDL (Lobe pump) yang compact dan ekonomis. Tahun ini, kami juga memperkenalkan beberapa produk baru yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan efisiensi proses industri, seperti Vaisala Online Refractometer untuk pengukuran konsentrasi/Brix secara real-time, dan MTT Separator sebagai solusi pemisahan. Selain itu, kami membawa Sentry Isolok auto sampler, yang memungkinkan sampling otomatis langsung di jalur proses, sehingga data QC lebih akurat dengan sampel yang representatif. Kami juga menawarkan produk untuk pemantauan kebersihan yang mencakup verifikasi cleaning dengan tekhnologi ATP bioluminescence menggunakan MVP ICON dan verifikasi allergen pada jalur produksi dengan menggunakan RIDAQUICK dan BIOAVID Allergen yang dapat memastikan proses cleaning sesui prosedur.  Nantikan solusi dan teknologi inovatif kami lainnya di event AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
The AllPack Exhibition 2024 took place from October 9-12, marking our second showcase this year. Building on last year’s success, we featured popular product demos like the Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, with exciting additions such as INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer and WCB MDL (lobe pump), which offers a compact range and economical pricing. This year, we also introduced cutting-edge products designed to boost process accuracy and efficiency. The Vaisala Online Refractometer provides real-time concentration/Brix measurements, and the MTT Separator offers effective separation solutions. Additionally, we showcased the Sentry Isolok auto sampler, which enables automated sampling directly from the process line for more representative QC data. We also offer hygiene monitoring product covering from cleaning verification with ATP bioluminescence using MVP ICON and allergen verification in your production line using RIDAQUICK and BIOAVID Allergen which can ensure your cleaning SOP.  Stay tuned for more of our innovative solutions and technologies at AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 1, 2024
PT Arasains telah berpartisipasi dalam event Indowater 2024, yang berlangsung di JIEXPO Kemayoran pada tanggal 18-20 September. Kami mendapatkan umpan balik yang positif dan banyak interaksi dengan pengunjung, termasuk kontraktor, Industri dari sektor utilitas, pengolahan air, pengolahan limbah, serta perwakilan dari pemerintah. Stand kami menampilkan solusi dalam proses transfer dan pencampuran, bersama dengan produk terbaru kami, auto preparation chemical. Kami mendapatkan respons yang baik oleh pengunjung terhadap teknologi yang kami tampilkan. Salah satu bagian penting dari acara ini adalah seminar bertajuk " Trouble Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions ", yang dipresentasikan oleh Jess Lim, selaku Senior Technical Manager dari Arachem Group. Seminar ini membahas teknologi terbaru dalam agitator, termasuk True Dry Well Construction Gearbox, yang menghilangkan potensi kebocoran oli. Jess juga menjelaskan keunggulan Static Mixer kami - Statiflo, yang menawarkan 95% homogenitas, desain elemen dengan pressure drop rendah, serta sistem Statiflo yang tidak memerlukan Listrik & penggerak mekanis sehingga dapat menghilangkan downtime. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pengunjung yang mengunjungi stan kami dan menghadiri seminar. Dukungan Anda sangat berarti bagi kami. Kami berharap untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam acara-acara mendatang dan melanjutkan upaya kami dalam menyediakan solusi yang bermanfaat bagi setiap industri.
By Aman Arasains November 1, 2024
PT Arasains proudly participated in Indowater 2024, held at JIEXPO Kemayoran from September 18-20. We were thrilled to receive positive feedback and engage with numerous visitors, including contractors, utility sector professionals, water and waste treatment industries, and government representatives. Our booth showcased innovative solutions for transfer and mixing processes, along with our latest product, the Auto Preparation Chemical. The technology we presented was met with enthusiastic responses from attendees. A highlight of the event was the seminar titled “Trouble-Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions,” presented by Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager at Arachem Group. The seminar covered cutting-edge agitator technology, including the True Dry Well Construction Gearbox, which eliminates the risk of oil leaks. Jess also highlighted the benefits of our Static Mixer, Statiflo, which offers 95% homogeneity, a low-pressure drop element design, and a system that operates without electricity or mechanical drives, ensuring zero downtime. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all visitors who stopped by our booth and attended the seminar. Your support is invaluable to us. We look forward to participating in future events and continuing our mission to provide effective solutions for every industry.
By Aman Arasains September 27, 2024
Following the positive feedback last year, PT AraSains will once again participate in the AllPack 2024 event. We will demonstrate new and more exciting products compared to last year. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit our booth at JIEXPO Kemayoran, October 9-12, booth AL-001. We have a variety of innovative solutions for your industrial process needs. In addition, we also have interesting souvenirs for you.
By Aman Arasains September 27, 2024
Setelah mendapatkan banyak respons positif tahun lalu, PT AraSains akan kembali berpartisipasi dalam event AllPack 2024. Kami akan mendemonstrasikan produk-produk terbaru yang lebih menarik dibandingkan tahun lalu. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi booth kami di JIEXPO Kemayoran, 9-12 Oktober, booth AL-001. Kami memiliki berbagai solusi inovatif untuk kebutuhan proses industri untuk anda. Tidak hanya itu, kami juga memiliki souvenir menarik untuk anda.
By Aman Arasains September 9, 2024
PT Arasains akan berpartisipasi di Indowater 2024, JIEXPO Kemayoran pada 18 - 20 September 2024. Kami akan menampilkan produk-produk unggulan untuk transfer dan mixing proses, serta memperkenalkan teknologi terbaru kami, Polymix – auto preparation chemical. Kunjungi booth kami di K-25 dan jangan lewatkan seminar "Trouble Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions" yang dibawakan oleh Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager Arachem Group, pada 19 September 2024 pukul 13.00-13.45 WIB. Kami siap membantu Anda dengan solusi dan improvement terbaik. Sampai jumpa di sana!
By Aman Arasains September 9, 2024
We invite all our valued customers to visit us in Indowater 2024, JIEXPO Kemayoran on 18 - 20 September 2024; and our booth location is K-25. Please join us at our Technical Seminar entitled "Trouble Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions" which will be presented by Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager Arachem Group, on 19 September 2024 at 13.00-13.45 WIB. We are ready to help and assist you with our best solution. See you there!
By Aman Arasains August 15, 2024
PT Arasains telah mengadakan webinar berjudul "Vaisala Online Refractometer dan Weiliang Sieving untuk Berbagai Aplikasi Industri", memperkenalkan dua merek yang inovatif beserta teknologinya. Acara ini diadakan pada tanggal 27 Juni 2024 dan menarik pengguna industri dari berbagai sektor seperti Makanan & Minuman, Kimia, Kelapa Sawit, Farmasi, dan lainnya. Bapak Alvin Yoong, Manajer Penjualan Regional (APAC) untuk Vaisala Sdn Bhd, mempresentasikan Refraktometer Online Vaisala, menunjukan kemampuannya dalam mengukur sifat fisik produk dalam Brix, Baume, padatan terlarut, dan konsentrasi produk secara akurat. Teknologi ini, yang dipasang langsung pada jalur produksi, memungkinkan pengukuran konsentrasi secara real-time, sehingga tindakan korektif dapat segera dilakukan. Bapak James Wong, Direktur Utama Weiliang Singapore Pte Ltd, memberikan presentasi yang mendalam tentang dasar-dasar penyaringan. Beliau menjelaskan proses penyaringan dan menenkankan pentingnya ukuran mesh dalam memastikan pemisahan yang efektif. Selama presentasinya, James melibatkan audiens dengan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang pengukuran mesh : apakah harusnya diartikan sebagai satuan luas (inci persegi) atau panjang (inci linier)? Dia menjelaskan bahwa ukuran mesh diukur dalam satuan panjang (inci linier), hal ini sangat penting untuk memilih model penyaringan yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan setiap industri. Produk Weiliang menyediakan solusi yang fleksibel, baik untuk penyaringan padat-padat maupun pemisahan cair padat. Webinar ini menampilkan keterlibatan aktif audiens, dengan peserta mengajukan pertanyaan selama sesi tanya jawab. Peserta menanyakan tentang aplikasi teknologi Vaisala dalam mengukur konsentrasi garam dalam margarin, Baume dalam larutan krom pelapisan, dan Brix dalam sirup dan madu. Alvin menjelaskan bagaimana Vaisala mengukur indeks bias yang kemudian dikonversi ke Brix, dan bahwa pembacaan tidak terpengaruh oleh partikel maupun gelembung. Untuk segmen Weiliang, pertanyaan mencakup topik seperti kekasaran permukaan mesin, opsi material yang digunakan, dan pemecahan masalah penyaringan yang ada. James Wong memberikan jawaban yang mendalam, menunjukkan fleksibilitas dan efisiensi teknologi penyaringan Weiliang.
By Aman Arasains August 15, 2024
PT Arasains recently held a successful webinar titled "Vaisala Online Refractometer and Weiliang Sieving for Various Industrial Applications," introducing two innovative brands and their technologies. The event took place on 27 June 2024 and attracted industry users from diverse sectors such as Food & Beverage, Chemicals, Palm Oil, Pharmaceutical and others. Mr. Alvin Yoong, Regional Sales Manager (APAC) for Vaisala Sdn Bhd, presented the Vaisala Online Refractometer, highlighting its capabilities in measuring physical properties of a product in Brix, Baume, dissolved solids, and product concentration accurately. This technology, installed directly on production lines, allows for real-time concentration measurements, allowing corrective actions to be taken promptly. Mr. James Wong, Managing Director of Weiliang Singapore Pte Ltd, delivered an insightful presentation on the fundamentals of sieving. He explained the sieving process and highlighted the critical role of mesh size in ensuring effective separation. During his talk, James engaged the audience by posing a question about mesh measurement: should it be understood as referring to square inches or linear inches? He clarified that mesh size is measured in linear inches, which is crucial for selecting the right sieving model to meet specific industrial requirements. Weiliang's products provide versatile solutions, offering both solid sieving and wet screens for liquid-solid separation. The webinar featured active audience engagement, with participants raising questions during the Q&A sessions. Attendees inquired about the application of Vaisala's technology in measuring salt concentration in margarine, Baume in plating chrome solutions, and Brix in syrups and honey. Alvin explained how Vaisala measures the refractive index which then converted to Brix, and that readings are not affected by particles nor bubbles. For the Weiliang segment, questions covered topics such as machine surface roughness, wetted material options, and troubleshooting existing sieving issues. James Wong provided insightful answers, demonstrating the versatility and efficiency of Weiliang's sieving technology.
By Aman Arasains November 29, 2024
The AllPack Exhibition 2024 took place from October 9-12, marking our second showcase this year. Building on last year’s success, we featured popular product demos like the Lightnin Mixer, Johnson Gear Pump, WCB Twin Screw Pump, with exciting additions such as INDAG Dynamics Inline Mixer and WCB MDL (lobe pump), which offers a compact range and economical pricing. This year, we also introduced cutting-edge products designed to boost process accuracy and efficiency. The Vaisala Online Refractometer provides real-time concentration/Brix measurements, and the MTT Separator offers effective separation solutions. Additionally, we showcased the Sentry Isolok auto sampler, which enables automated sampling directly from the process line for more representative QC data. We also offer hygiene monitoring product covering from cleaning verification with ATP bioluminescence using MVP ICON and allergen verification in your production line using RIDAQUICK and BIOAVID Allergen which can ensure your cleaning SOP.  Stay tuned for more of our innovative solutions and technologies at AllPack 2025!
By Aman Arasains November 1, 2024
PT Arasains proudly participated in Indowater 2024, held at JIEXPO Kemayoran from September 18-20. We were thrilled to receive positive feedback and engage with numerous visitors, including contractors, utility sector professionals, water and waste treatment industries, and government representatives. Our booth showcased innovative solutions for transfer and mixing processes, along with our latest product, the Auto Preparation Chemical. The technology we presented was met with enthusiastic responses from attendees. A highlight of the event was the seminar titled “Trouble-Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions,” presented by Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager at Arachem Group. The seminar covered cutting-edge agitator technology, including the True Dry Well Construction Gearbox, which eliminates the risk of oil leaks. Jess also highlighted the benefits of our Static Mixer, Statiflo, which offers 95% homogeneity, a low-pressure drop element design, and a system that operates without electricity or mechanical drives, ensuring zero downtime. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all visitors who stopped by our booth and attended the seminar. Your support is invaluable to us. We look forward to participating in future events and continuing our mission to provide effective solutions for every industry.
By Aman Arasains September 27, 2024
Following the positive feedback last year, PT AraSains will once again participate in the AllPack 2024 event. We will demonstrate new and more exciting products compared to last year. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit our booth at JIEXPO Kemayoran, October 9-12, booth AL-001. We have a variety of innovative solutions for your industrial process needs. In addition, we also have interesting souvenirs for you.
By Aman Arasains September 9, 2024
We invite all our valued customers to visit us in Indowater 2024, JIEXPO Kemayoran on 18 - 20 September 2024; and our booth location is K-25. Please join us at our Technical Seminar entitled "Trouble Free and Zero Downtime Mixing Solutions" which will be presented by Jess Lim, Senior Technical Manager Arachem Group, on 19 September 2024 at 13.00-13.45 WIB. We are ready to help and assist you with our best solution. See you there!
By Aman Arasains August 15, 2024
PT Arasains recently held a successful webinar titled "Vaisala Online Refractometer and Weiliang Sieving for Various Industrial Applications," introducing two innovative brands and their technologies. The event took place on 27 June 2024 and attracted industry users from diverse sectors such as Food & Beverage, Chemicals, Palm Oil, Pharmaceutical and others. Mr. Alvin Yoong, Regional Sales Manager (APAC) for Vaisala Sdn Bhd, presented the Vaisala Online Refractometer, highlighting its capabilities in measuring physical properties of a product in Brix, Baume, dissolved solids, and product concentration accurately. This technology, installed directly on production lines, allows for real-time concentration measurements, allowing corrective actions to be taken promptly. Mr. James Wong, Managing Director of Weiliang Singapore Pte Ltd, delivered an insightful presentation on the fundamentals of sieving. He explained the sieving process and highlighted the critical role of mesh size in ensuring effective separation. During his talk, James engaged the audience by posing a question about mesh measurement: should it be understood as referring to square inches or linear inches? He clarified that mesh size is measured in linear inches, which is crucial for selecting the right sieving model to meet specific industrial requirements. Weiliang's products provide versatile solutions, offering both solid sieving and wet screens for liquid-solid separation. The webinar featured active audience engagement, with participants raising questions during the Q&A sessions. Attendees inquired about the application of Vaisala's technology in measuring salt concentration in margarine, Baume in plating chrome solutions, and Brix in syrups and honey. Alvin explained how Vaisala measures the refractive index which then converted to Brix, and that readings are not affected by particles nor bubbles. For the Weiliang segment, questions covered topics such as machine surface roughness, wetted material options, and troubleshooting existing sieving issues. James Wong provided insightful answers, demonstrating the versatility and efficiency of Weiliang's sieving technology.
By Nadira Annisa May 29, 2024
Kindly join our upcoming webinar on 27 th June 2024 with our newest portfolio for online refractometer from Vaisala and sieving from Weiliang for various industrial application. The webinar will be held from 14.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB. Don’t miss it and see you on the webinar!
By Nadira Annisa May 14, 2024
In collaboration with R-Biopharm Rhone, subsidiary of R-Biopharm AG for Immunoaffinity Column and SPE for Mycotoxins and Vitamins, PT Arasains held webinar with interesting topic “Improve your laboratory testing on mycotoxins and vitamins analysis” on 26 March 2024. This topic covers for customers who runs mycotoxins and vitamins testing with HPLC or microtiter plate reader. There are 48 participants from various industry including government laboratory, commercial laboratory and food and feed industry. The first speaker is Mrs. Claire Milligan, Marketing Operations Manager, R-Biopharm Rhone Ltd with title “Immunoaffinity Column for Mycotoxins and Vitamins Analysis”. She mentioned that there are three (3) important areas covered in legislation, which are maximum residue limits, sampling plans and analytical method criteria. R-Biopharm has 12 products for the analysis of aflatoxins in conjunction with HPLC and LC-MS/MS. In the Q&A section, Mrs. Claire explain that for spices commodities, it is better to use immunoaffinity column as clean-up because spices are a difficult matrix that has many interfering compounds that can affect the chromatogram. She also explains about the effective clean-up for vitamin B using Easi-Extract MULTI-VIT B (LGE) that can be used for folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12. The second speaker is Mrs. Nadira, Sr. Support Specialist & Marketing, PT Arasains with title “Alternative Method for Screening Mycotoxins & Vitamins”. In her presentation, she mentioned that there are 2 alternative methods for screening in mycotoxins testing, which are lateral flow and ELISA method. Both covered all mycotoxins parameter from aflatoxin, ochratoxin, zearalenone, fumonisin, T-2 and DON. Whereas for vitamin analysis, she also explained that R-Biopharm has microbiological testing method that use 96 microtiter plate wells which can be used for customers that has big sample volume.
By Aman Arasains May 14, 2024
In expanding our engineering solutions into the water and wastewater treatment plants (WTP and WWTP), we conducted a webinar in March 2024. Our speaker was Ms Jess Lim, Head of Marketing, Arachem Group of Companies. With 15 years’ experience in helping customers in WTP and WWTP area, Ms Jess presented solutions in achieving proper and accurate dosing, mixing and transfer in various processes that take place in the plants.  Products she showed the applications were SPXFlow Lightnin, Bran + Luebbe, Johnson Pump, Statiflo and Polymix. Installation bases around South East Asia at customers’ location were shown. During the Q&A, one of the questions were how to achieve homogenous blend, one of the solutions is to install the side entry mixer, where the KWH range is lower and it has less moving parts. Regarding the static mixer, a certain pressure/flowrate and velocity is required to achieve homogeneity. The Statiflo is factory-tested. To know if lime pH adjustment by Statiflo works, we can grab sample before and after to test the pH or send samples to independent testing labs for tests. The Statiflo has PVC materials that can handle 98% H 2 SO 4 .
By Nadira Annisa January 26, 2024
As a starter of the new year, PT Arasains has held the first webinar this year with the title ‘Pathogen testing solutions to enhance food safety & avoid foodborne disease’ on Thursday, 11 th January 2024. In this webinar, PT Arasains collaborated with well-known Professor in food microbiology, Prof. Ratih Dewanti-Hariyadi, PhD to share her insights. We received overwhelmed enthusiasm from our customers with more than 250 participant that join this webinar. Prof. Ratih Dewanti-Hariyadi, PhD was presenting about Designing Useful Microbiological Testing for Food Safety and Quality. She mentioned that we should understand what the purpose to do the testing to get the correct information about our production line. There are many different tests in every step of food process to give useful information from ingredient testing until end-product testing. This interesting topic gained a lot of questions from customers to get specific information about their production line. The second topic in this webinar is about Available method in Pathogen Testing presented by Nadira Annisa Putri, Sr. Support Specialist & Marketing PT. Arasains. The topic is cover about methods available that can help customers pathogen testing. Some of the methods are lateral flow strips with specific antibody from RomerLabs for Salmonella spp, Listeria spp., L. monocytogenes and Campylobacter spp. and also PCR testing that has simple DNA Extraction from R-Biopharm, SureFast Salmonella ONE and SureFast Listeria 3plex ONE. She also mentioned that in pathogen testing, the enrichment step is very important to get accurate and reliable result. This webinar was attended by government, commercial laboratory, and various food industry such as dairy, seafood exporter etc. At the end of this webinar, we did lucky draw for all participant that raise the questions during this webinar. We hope we can see all customers again in the next webinar!
By Aman Arasains January 10, 2024
The All Pack Exhibition 2023 took place on 11-15 October 2023. This is our second exhibition this year. We received much greater enthusiasm than last year. We also showcased some of our newest unit demos such as the Lightnin Mixer; Johnson Gear Pump; and Universal Twin Screw Pump. We run several demos so that visitors can see our demos while running. This year we also showcased our new brand, SPX Bran + Luebbe – metering pump. Many visitors were interested in visiting our booth and sharing their process challenges. Of course we provide the best solutions due the technical problems experienced from our visitors.  Look forward to our next presentation at the All Pack 2024 event!
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