We jointly held a webinar entitled “Vacuum Conveying System for Various Applications”, with PIAB. PIAB is very well-established engineering and design company which specialises in Vacuum Conveying System. The webminar is divided into two sessions. The first session was conducted by Mr Lucas Chee, Sales Director Vacuum Conveying SEA & India, and the second was led by Mr Jayaprakash, Head of APAC, Application and Customization Center.
Lucas introduced and explained the ergonomic and respiratory issues while transferring the solids material manually or non-specific equipment. Jaya presented on theories and techniques of vacuum conveying system - how to transfer the solid products without break the material quality, how to get the best system by selecting the type and system control. More interestingly, the entire Piab system is run by compressed air, this means no electricity usage, critical in cost saving in production run.
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