Antibiotics Detection


Antibiotics are widely used in the farming of animals and seafood. Its use is indispensable as they are often used to treat sick animals but after treatment there should be a waning period for the antibiotic to reduce to the MRL as specified in Guidelines (EU Regulation 37/2010).

The Food Regulations clearly states that nobody shall manufacture, import, sell any product that contain any antibiotic residues or their metabolites. Besides the use of antibiotics as a drug, it is also used in low doses for growth promotion and feed efficiency. This can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. It is estimated that 80% of the antibiotics produced in USA are used for farming activities. The non-use of antibiotics has led to a new category of food claimed as organic. Due to the huge number of antibiotic violations, testing for antibiotic and their metabolites are essential. PT. Arasains provides several platforms for this testing. The following antibiotic residue are prohibited in food; Beta agonists excluding Ractopamine, Nitrofurans, Chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol (CAP) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic obtained from Streptomyces venezuelae, CAP inhibits protein synthesis by reversibly binding to the large ribosomal sub unit in bacteria. It causes serious damage in humans such as aplastic anemia and is carcinogenic and mutagenic. There is no safe levels or withdrawal times. It is banned in EU, USA and other countries.

Microbiology assay - Premi® Test

Premi® Test from R-Biopharm Indonesia based on the growth inhibition of spores by antibiotics, offers a simple and cost-effective qualitative screening for a broad spectrum of antibiotics.


  • Detects a broad spectrum of antibiotics 
  • Easy to handle, no sophisticated equipment needed 
  • Faster than plate tests (result in less than 4 hours)
  • Sensitive (in conformity with EU-MRLs) 
  • Validated (AOAC-RI and AFNOR validation)


Β-Lactams, Cesphalosporins, Macrolides, Tetracycline, Sulphonamides, Aminoglycosides, Quinolones, Polypeptides, Fenicols and others.


RIDASCREEN® and EuroProxima supplied by R-Biopharm Indonesia based on enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of single antibiotics or antibiotic groups.


  • Quantitative result
  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • Fast and reliable
  • Applications for a wide range of matrices



Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Nitrofuran (AHD), Nitrofuran (SEM), Nitrofuran (AMOZ), Nitrofuran (AOZ), Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Chinolone/Quinolones, Sulfamethazine, Streptomycin, Bacitracin, Sulfonamide, Colistin, Dimetridazole, Fluorfenicol, Fluoroquinolones, Gentamicin, Erythromycin, Virginiamycin and Tylosin.

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