Biolife Indonesia has produced culture media for 40 years and has more than 500 formulations. Some of these media were developed by Biolife as first in the world like Hektoen Enteric agar, Giolitti Cantoni broth, MUG agar. Other dehydrated culture media that are available are Aesculin bile Azide agar, alkaline peptone agar, Baird parker agar, Bile aesculin agar, Brain heart infusion agar, C-EC agar and many others. Dehydrated agar for mycology are also available like malt agar, potato dexdrose agar, sebouraud broth, yeast extract agar, yeast nitrogen agar. Selective supplements available some of which are like aeromonas selective supplement, Bolton broth selective supplement, brilliant green solution, coagulase plasma EDTA, Egg yolk emulsion, Fraser selective supplement, Listeria fraser supplement.
Biolife was one of the first in the world to develop chromogenic agar. Chromogenic agar depends on a color reaction of the reagent with bacterial enzymes produced by the bacteria. This color development helps in the evaluation and enumeration of the bacteria. Biolife was the first to develop the salmonella chromogenic agar based on the C8 esterase detection. The list of chromogenic agar are:
CSA (salmonella)
Aloa (Listeria spp and listeria cyotgenes)
Chromogenic B Cereus selective agar
Chromogenic agar 0157
Baird Parker RPF agar (coagulase positive staph)
TBX agar and ECX gluc agar e coli
Seneca (Enterobacteriaceae E coli coliform)
CCA (E coil coliform)
Biolife Indonesia also supplies flourogenic agar. Flourogenic agar fluoresce under UV light and is useful for identification of bacteria in colored food matrices. The agar supplied are
Mac conkey agar sorbitol MUG agar
Selective and differential medium for detection of E coil 0157
Mucap agar
Selective and fluorescent test for identification of salmonella by C8 esterase
Staph aureus rapid latex test kit
This kit identifies Staphyloccocus aureus by detecting both coagulase and protein C.
Streptococcus Grouping Rapid latex test kit
This test uses latex particles that have been sensitized with high quality group specific anti sera. Cell wall antigens are tested by a panel of latex reagents. A positive reaction is denoted by strong latex agglutination. The negatives remain smooth thus ensuring confidence in the results. Features: rapid grouping of groups ABCDFG, enzymatic extraction of all groups, easy to read agglutination, minimal cross reaction of groups, high sensitivity to group D.
Salmonella rapid latex kit
Identifies salmonella spp including s. typhymurium, and S enteridus. This kit has very specificity and detects both motile and non motile bacteria.
Legionella rapid latex kits
Tests for L pneumophila sero groups 2-15 ns Legionella spp (L. micdadei, Lbozemanli, L. Dumoffii, L. longbeachae, L jordanis, L. gomanii, L anisa, L feelei. This kit provides answer within 2 mins directly from selective medium. The latexes are coated with immunoglobulins which have low cross reactivity. Kit includes 1 vial latex for L. pneumophila, 1 vial for Lpneumophila 2-15, and 1 vial for Legionella spp.
Campylobacter rapid latex kit
This kit detects Cjejuni, C jejuni sub species doyle, C coli. C. upsaliensis, C. lari, C. fetus.
E coli 0157 rapid latex kit.
This kit has been sensitized with E coli 0157 specific antibodies that are prepared by absorbtion with potentially cross reacting strains. As such this kit has demonstrated no cross reactivity with a panel of 161 E coli O serotypes and 56 H serotypes and shows strong specific agglutination.
Whirl-Pak® sterile laboratory sampling bags are ideal for surface, forensics, genetics, biomedical, and pharmaceutical research sampling and well suited for the food, dairy, water, sewage, medical, veterinary, environmental, soil, and industrial markets.
Whirl-Pak® bags have been the professionals’ trusted sampling bag for over 50 years and offer puncture-proof tabs, guaranteed sterility, easy identification, and a leak-proof closure you can trust.
Whirl-Pak® sterile sampling bags are R-Nase, D-Nase, Pyrogen and BPH free and comply with the following regulatory and industrial requirements: US Enviromental Protection Agency, US Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Agriculture, and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Polymerase chain reaction is a process for identification of DNA fragments by multiplying a particular segment of the DNA in vitro. By identification of these chains the cells or in this case the bacteria from which these chains come from can be identifies. This kit is a conventional PCR kit and as such is an end point analysis method, where agarose gel electrophoresis is required for final determination. For Aquaculture the following kits are available:
- Edwardsiella tarda
- White spot syndrome
- Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus
- Monodon baculovirus
- Yellow head virus
- Aeromonas hydrophilla.
Arasains Indonesia supplies PCR kit for porcine detection for determination of halal status. This kit is a multiple porcine detection kit as it targets three mitochondrial DNA. The detection limit is 25ng and has high specificity. Because of the multiple detection capabilities, porcine meat that are highly processed can be detected like roast pork, canned pork, cooked meat and raw meat like sausages. The cooking process is less likely to destroy all three genes thus making this kit a level of sensitivity is unique.
Chromogenic agar more specific in detecting bacteria because it involves enzymatic reactions with chromogen compounds. Although more expensive, colonies are easier to visualize and calculate.
A good culture medium has a better level of bacterial recovery. This is especially important for stress bacteria, such as in cooked or processed foods.
Petri dishes are produced in clean room conditions and thus have a low number of bacteria. Non-sterile dishes are not recommended for such highly accurate work as in pharmaceutical factories. To detect TPC non-sterile dishes is fine but for pathogens it is better to use sterile petri dishes to avoid accidental withdrawal.
Nasco sample bags are sterile. It is easy to open without polluting the lid and can be closed and reopened easily. The contents did not spill and several bags stood free. For normal bag incubation is usually carried out in wire trays for stacking.
This is a standard PCR kit and thus uses all the usual equipment for PCR.
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Blok F3 no 12, Boulevard Raya No.1 Kelapa Gading. Jakarta Utara
Indonesia, 14240
+6221 4585 8833
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