Microbial environmental monitoring in a production line is important to do to ensure the quality of a product so it safe and fit to people for consumption. The application of microbial environmental monitoring is part of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) program as a preventive approach for food safety. As our participation to enhance information of microbial environmental monitoring, PT. Arasains held a webinar with title “How Clean Is Clean: Microbial Environmental Monitoring and Its Role in The Hygiene Program” on 12th July 2023.
The main topic of this webinar was about the regulation and guidelines related to microbial environmental monitoring program by Manida Chap Kiau – Assistant Technical Support Manager and method and tools available for microbial environmental monitoring in production line by Nadira Annisa Putri – Support Specialist & Marketing PT. Arasains. There were 90 participants that joined this webinar with enthusiast and asked many interesting questions. In this webinar, Manida explained various regulation available as a reference to analyze the surface such as ISO 18693 regarding horizontal method for surface sampling. Moreover, she also explained about the importance of determination critical control point in each zone to monitor the hygiene in production environment. One of the tools which can be used to monitor hygiene monitoring is ATP Bioluminescence that can give rapid results as a preventive control. The swab surface device from Lightning MVP ICON has neutralizing agent to ensure there are no interference from sanitizer and can pick up ATP from surface which can give accurate results.
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